Meet Kishori:
In her own words…
“Inspiration: Be kind, be patient, and always have a sense of humor” – Pema Chodron
“We are women who have struggled, who have tried to fit into the mold that society dictates is “the way” a woman “should” be, as if there is only one way for all of us to be and to express our powerful beauty! We are the women who have decided to not let fear guide us, and instead to step into our power and our brilliance. All of our stories are phenomenal and unique, yet intertwined. We are women, striving to be heard, to be seen and to be treated as the phenomenal sentient beings that we are. My story is similar to that of many other women, women who are not afraid to transform, to shed their layers of pain and fear, to dig deep, to heal, to shine and to inspire others to heal.

©Amy Boyle Photography 2019
My birthday wish has always been the same ever since I was a child. I blow out the glittering candles and I wish: I want to be happy. And, as I reflect, I see that my life journey has been about making that wish come true. As I shed my own layers, life lessons teach me that being happy comes from within, something we tap into deep inside. It has nothing to do with aligning ourselves with what society dictates. It has everything to do with connecting ourselves with who we are, from the inside out. My personal mission is to align with my authentic self, to be the best version of myself, so that I can be a better human in this world, and to lead others by inspiration.
Thus far, life has taught me to fuel my happiness by making choices based on hopes and not on fears. By practicing yoga asana and meditation daily. By traveling and exploring life with a curious and open mind. By cooking yummy food for the people I love because there is something magical that happens when we cook with and for others. When we gather to feast, we feed all of our senses as we share of food, conversation, and memories. This act of sharing gives us an incredible ability to communicate and to heal body, mind and soul.

Art work: Vivian Borsani – ©Amy Boyle Photography 2019
As the leader of Well-Being and Organizational Development at Ciranda Inc., the initiatives I have launched are all grounded in my own personal work around positive transformation towards happiness, and the interconnectedness that humanity shares. Our initiatives include yoga and meditation for all staff, and mindfulness practices for improved communication, collaboration and resiliency. When we practice mindfulness, we pay attention to what is going on in the present moment. This focus enables us to make better decisions, to improve communications, and to be more resilient in the face of challenge.
One of the challenges in my work that ignites me the most is preparing and holding space for people to grow, to learn, and to be heard. I strive to create a safe environment for anyone to practice yoga, meditation, and mindfulness. With these practices we learn to foster gratitude, acceptance, compassion, forgiveness and kindness. Leading in this way has allowed me to observe people transform, taking the lessons learned through yoga and mindfulness practices into their meetings and into their relationships. And as I observe these changes I am humbled to see the direct impact each human has on the life of another. My work provides me with the privilege of supporting the well-being of my fellow colleagues, and of simultaneously feeding my desire to serve in a way that is meaningful.”
Resources that have had a powerful impact on my journey:
Some references from by book shelf:
The Sacred Path of the Warrior – Chogyam Trungpa; Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras; Finding the Space to Lead – Janice Marturano; Calvin and Hobbes – Bill Watterson

Art work: Vivian Borsani – ©Amy Boyle Photography 2019
*** Please follow along on instagram as well and learn more about Kishori. This year for my birthday, I am embarking on a weekly photo essay project highlighting 52 Phenomenal Women. . This is week 41 of 52. Participants in this project will be supporting the efforts of Dress for Success Worldwide – Central. We are all stronger together and it is my sincere hope that we will be inspired by each other’s stories. Now is the time to celebrate as well as encourage one another. Tell your story!**